Surplus Property For Sale


TBID Unit # Year Make Model  Current Milage VIN Minimum Bid
586 2015 Ford F150 XLT           45,136 1FTFX1EF0FFA79958  $                   21,500
594 2017 Ford F150 XL           50,610 1FTMF1EF0HKC48431  $                   20,000
595 2017 Ford F150 XL           34,562 1FTMF1EF1HKD84289  $                   19,000
596 2018 Ford F150 XL           58,713 1FTMF1E5XJKC97584  $                   19,000
598 2018 Ford F150 XL           37,122 1FTMF1E57JKF42499  $                   22,750
599 2019 Dodge Ram 1500           62,321 1C6RR7FT6KS599749  $                   20,500
600 2019 Dodge Ram 1500           54,087 1C6RR7FT7KS634847  $                   22,500
601 2019 Dodge Ram 1500           54,248 1C6RR7FT0KS609790  $                   22,500
100 2020 Ford F150 Lariat           42,135 1FTFW1E40LKE10980  $                   38,000
107 2021 Ford F150 Lariat           24,346 1FTFX1E88MKE25373  $                   37,000

Surplus Property for Sale; Click here for Bid sheet PDF

Trucks can be viewed:

March 16 and 17

1800 West 4700 South, Taylorsville, Utah


Bid opening:

March 21,2023

10:00 am


Bid process and information:

  1. Highest bid amount considered for sale
  2. No bids accepted after stated bid opening date and time.
  • Bids may be dropped when bidding on multiple trucks listed.
  1. Two bids equal in value for one item will be resolved by the winner of a coin toss.
  2. Bids will be recorded with successful bidder being contacted the day of the opening.
  3. Truck will be paid for and receipted by Taylorsville-Bennion Improvement District before removal from premises.
  • Truck shall be removed within two business days of purchase.

Email to: [email protected] subject: Truck

Contact Dan 801-968-9081

TRUCK UNIT NUMBER: ________________________________

BID AMOUNT: _______________________________________

NAME: _____________________________________________
